Berufs- & Studienwahl
Regardless of being graduated from school, apprenticeship or studies – afterwards everyone is exposed to the question: where and how shall the professional career be started or continued? There are reams of answers to this question and striking a new path puts a key cornerstone for the professional future and the individual career. Colloquially career means „the professional upward promotion“. For some people this might really be a desirable target – for others career might look completely different and personal realization might be the most relevant factor.
Regardless of how your personal vision looks like – your career should develop in line with your individual personality and should be based on your capabilities, talents and interests to enable you having a happy, self-directed and authentic life.
Amongst other things, a personal career requires the intense and honest discussion of the following questions:
- Where do my (potentially hidden) strengths and potentials lie?
- Which characteristics describe me and my personality?
- What are my interests?
- How do I motivate myself?
- What is important for me – professionally and in other aspects of life?
- Which targets do I want to achieve necessarily?
- What am I willing to do for it?
- Which kind of support do I get from my environment?
In our consulting session we will answer these and other questions and we will develop a precise plan for your career following an individual analysis which is based on acknowledged test methods and interviews.
Unlike in other career institutes where you are interviewed from different people and partially without the necessary subject area qualification, I will conduct the whole process of interviews with you as a psychologist to build mutual trust between us and to get to know you as an individual including all-embracing characteristics.
In addition my consulting consists of two consecutive appointments considering a break of 1-2 weeks. In this way, you will have time and opportunity to deal with those topics you haven’t had a chance to consider before our first meeting on the one hand. On the other hand you will have the chance to talk to your partner, friends and family as a sparring partner to discuss the new derived ideas and insights. Very often new ideas, feelings and attitudes appear only after a „stumbling block“ – this can take a couple of days. Needless to say my guidance includes the possibility to contact me within six months after our sessions to discuss your questions regarding conducted analyses, assessments and proposals.